Well I know when people start reading my blog they're gonna be like "who da fuq is Lexi?" so I might just tell you guys.
She was my tumblr biffle for liffle (bff) and we talked like ALL THE TIME and fangirled about Justin and boys and stuff.
About 2 months ago her boyfriend got run over by a drunk driver and died. This killed Lexi. She was so so broken and didn't know what to do.
19/06/12 Lexi went on Justin's Believe signing in NYC and so she met him and she told me later about it. She told me she had said "I love you so much" to him and he'd replied "I love you too" and smiled at her. I really thought this would make her happier. But it didn't.
She has been bullied a lot in her life and she's been really depressed and when her boyfriend died she died too. So last week she committed suicide.
Lexi was the loveliest person on Earth♥ She always cheered me up and we had so much fun times. I miss her a lot even though I never met her.
R.I.P Lexi, I love you♥
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I love you,
Justin Bieber,