In the life of Maddie

Time for school

Publicerad 2012-03-13 20:07:18 i School,

Usch vad trött jag är D: Varför stiger jag upp så tidigt?! Men jag skulle ju inte hinna annars så...

Sitter just nu i bilen på väg till skolan. Jag kommer otroligt tidigt till skolan när jag är där ungefär 07:40 och skolan börjar 08:10... Men men... Mamma ska till jobbet så.



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Hai! I'm a hyper 14 years young girl from Finland. I try to enjoy life as much as I can and I do a lot of crazy stuff, because quite frankly, I don't care about what people think of me. I've just accepted the fact that I'm stupid ;) I love that white Canadian boy named Justin Drew Bieber with a burning passion and I can stalk that guy EVERY. SINLGE. DAY. He's my life, My everything and I WILL meet him one day. His music makes me happy and his music makes me feel beautiful, and I need that. He has saved me in every single possible way and I owe everything to him. Other than stalking Justin I play piano, and I've taken modellessons. I sing, dance a little and I'd love to do some acting. I LOVE being in the spotlight to be honest. On this blog I'll write about my life, Justin, Jarmaine (amazing youtuber), music and just stuff that inspires me and keeps me going. It's gonna be ME. Enjoy<3 (any hate of any kind will not be accepted and the comment won't be posted so don't mind.)



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